"What do you get a man who means so much to you, and has everything ?"
Good Morning Everyone, I wanted to write today about Father's Day. My Dad is one of the most important people in my life and every year it is getting harder and harder on what to get him for Father's Day.
I have received some really amazing idea's in e-mail from different companies, and I wanted to share those idea's with all of you. The other day, Chapter's sent me an e-mail on "Making your own beer!!??". This may not be the ideal gift for my Dad, as he would rather drink wine or Sambuca, but when I read that email, it made me laugh. If your interested in this, it comes with an instructional video. Not to fear ladies and gents, it will walk you through creating beer for yourself. I'm not a beer drinker, so to me, making my own beer sounds like too much work and I watched the video, it is a lot of work. So, would your husband or dad stand by that stove and make his own beer? If so, go to www.chapters.indigo.ca. and you will be taught on how to create beer.
Now, I have to mention the love of my life, the yin to my yan, no not a man but my favorite store HOLT RENFREW!! Holt Renfrew has a really cool promotion this weekend!! If you have some gift cards from them, now, is the time to go spend them! They are giving you 20% back on all gift cards you use from June 14-16. I think, I just had a birthday..lol. I do have some gift cards to use, but, my dad does not even understand why anyone would buy designer products. I will mention this, if your dad loves golf, Holt's has some amazing holts golf balls available, and all Holt Renfrew locations will have a custom Holt's putting green on site. Interested yet?? Go to Holt Renfrew, and play a round of golf and while your there, check out their new men's section with great gift idea's from Hugo Boss, Burberry and GUCCI!!
I hope, I gave you some sort of idea's for Father's Day. I'm going to stick to those lottery scratch tickets, my Dad can scratch them all day. Scratch away Daddy, hope you hit that jack pot!!
Until next time guys and girls...Remember, to always " just be yourself..", it will eventually pay off.
(c) justbeingmeluvuholts