Monday, September 23, 2013

End Of the Season for the Jays

"OK, OK., Blue Jays, Blue Jays, Let's Play Ball...."

Hello Everyone..,

I wanted to write a quick post in honoring the Toronto Blue Jays.  I have been to 4 games this year, and even though my beloved Jays did not perform to every one's standards this year, they won at every game I went too.!! 

I had a blast this summer at all my games.  Every game was an experience.  I had someone catch me a ball on the Aug 30th game. I'm scared of those balls, so thank you officer for catching me that ball.  I got to eat a foot long hot dog at all 4 of my games. I got to meet some great people at the Aug 15th game and the Yankee's game of last, Sept 19th was so much fun.  My Jays won 6-2.  I am a proud Torontonian.  I am sad the season is over soon, but, that only means that hockey is back !!!!

Thank you, to all who took me to games and who attended games with me.  Congrats, Blue Jays.  I know next year, will be a better year.  See you next year....  I can not wait to come back and have another hot dog!! LOL. 

"Take me out to the ball game, take me out with the crowd...." ( Edward Meeker)

Until next time boys and girls.. "remember to always just be yourself, it will eventually pay off..."

(c) justbeingmeluvuholts

That's our foot long HOT DOGS !!!
Look how pretty Toronto is... CN view from my seats.
My LUCKY Jays Tee... See u next year!!