Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Links of London ON SALE!!!

"There's nothing better than a great sale..., at Holt Renfrew."

Hello Everyone.,

Guess what I found out?? No, again no luck at the lottery but Holt Renfrew is having a great sale!  Links of London, one of their premier jewelry designers and one of my favorite lines, is having a 50% off sale.  You must go to Holt Renfrew, and take a look at this jewelry.  It is fabulous.

I can personally say that I own some great pieces from this line, and I constantly get asked where I purchased my bracelet or my ring or earrings, you get the point.  So, here is my secret.  I wait for Links of London to have their 50% off sale, I go down to Holt Renfrew, and I get one of those sales representatives behind the Links counter to wrap my pretty purchase in that beautiful Links box.

It is worth the price.  The quality on this line is unbelievable.  The customer service alone is worth the trip.  They always clean my jewelry when asked for free and always give me a pouch to store my pretty stuff. 

If your looking for a great gift for that special guy or girl, now, is the time to go to Holt Renfrew and splurge on some jewelry.  Or, if your feeling blue, and want to cheer yourself up, go get that blue friendship bracelet for yourself.  I know someone who did that very thing today, and are very happy with their purchase. LOL.  No, it was not me but, I can tell you this, they are very stylish and happy with their Links Of London bracelet.

Check out a Holt Renfrew near you and go to the Links of London counter before it's too late!!

Until next time guys and girls... remember, to always be yourself.. " it will eventually pay off. "    (c)justbeingmeluvuholts